Friday, 4 November 2016

How to use google drive

Step 1. Log in to Google drive with your browser.It allow user to save file in the drive and view it using cloud

If you don't have a account just create one by free just click here.

Step 2. If you want to save file into your drive click on new option present on left side of the screen. After that you can choose whether you want to save file or folder.

You can view your file by clicking on my drive option.

Display your file 
User can display file in grid mode or list mode. The list mode will show you the name of the owner and when it was last modified. The grid mode will show you the first page of the file as a preview.
You can change the mode by clicking on the button next to gear icon present on right side of the page

 Search for the file
 You can search your google drive documents using the search bar at the top of the page. You can search it through titles content,titles and owners. If a file is there it will appear under the search bar

How to use google drive on android smartphone 
Step 1. Visit google play store in your smartphone
Step 2. Search google drive on the search bar on the top of the page.

Step 3. Click on install button present on the screen, if you have sufficient memory app will get install.


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