Friday, 1 April 2016

How to spot a fake facebook account

Today on social networking sites the biggest problem is the fake accounts.Most of the accounts are created to spread spam, steal financial information and also many people create girls fake profile.
Around 25 to 30 percent of account on Facebook are fake.
It's it very sad to know that Facebook has not done more to identify fake accounts.So do not get worry we are going to tell you some tip to identify fake accounts.

Tip 1. Check the user timeline:Find out when the user has joined Facebook, most fake accounts are created just less than a week before they start sending out rampant friend requests.

Tip 2: Beware of Fake profiles of Girls:Most fake profiles are created with an girls identity, which is why you should never accept friend requests from unknown females.

Tip 3: Check the friend list:Check out the friend list of the user. If a Fake Facebook account has many mutual friends with you, then chances are there that the Fake accounts is created by one of your friends who is trying to have some fun.

Tip 4:Read the profile carefully. Does what is being said add up or are there some really hard-to-believe statements being made? 
For example, maybe there is a photo of a very young person next to claims of being a professor or a CEO. 

Tip5. Profile picture. If you Find any Facebook Account on your Friend list doubtful, First thing you will do is Use Reverse Image Search. This helps you find out if Similar Pictures are available on Internet. 
Go to Google image , Click on Camera icon which says Search by image, Click on Upload an Image, now choose the Picture you  had downloaded earlier , Now once the uploading Completes, google will show you Similar Images that already exist over internet.

 These were some tips to Identify Fake Facebook Account , which i wanted to share with you all, if you find any Fake profile then you and your friends can report it to Facebook.


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