Sunday, 17 November 2013

How To install backtrack on virtual machine

Backtrack is highest rated and acclaimed Linux security distribution. Backtrack is Linux based penetration testing arsenal that aid security professional the ability to perform assessment in a purely native environment dedicated to  Hacking. 

Backtrack is intended for all audiences from  the most navvy security professional  to early newcomer  in the security information field. Backtrack promotes an quick and easy way to find and update the largest database of security tools. Latest version of backtrack is Backtrack  5r3. It works on any any Host machine like Windows XP/vista/7/8/8.1, we are install it here by using VMPlayer.

Installation steps
  • Download Backtrack ISO.
  • Setting up a virtual code.
  • Installing Backtrack 5.
  • Backtrack login. 

So let’s start with the steps for installing Backtrack as Gust machine/ virtual machine on your system.

Step 1. Download  and install VMPlayer by click here. Enter your name, email & country name to download.

Step 2. Download and install VMPlayer from here 

Step 3. After VMPlayer installed, Click Create a new virtual machine on right side.

Step 4. Now click on Browse and choose the installer Backtrack ISO file and click next.

Step 5. Select Linux under Guest operating system and Other Linux 2.6 x Kernel under version and click next

Step 6. Give the name and location of your virtual m,machine.

Step 7.  Specify virtual drive space 20 Gbs good enough, click next to proceed.

Step 8. Now VM is ready to go, Click Finish and you VM is created. you can also customized hardware configuration if you want. 

Step 9. Now click on new created VM and start Booting. 

Step 10. Now click on Default Boot text Mode and hit enter.

Step 11. Wait until shell console come,  As it's done enter startx to enter GUI mode.

Step 12. After few second you will be on desktop of backtrack. double click on install backtrack icon to start installing backtrack. New installation window open.

step 13. After you have select time zone and language then you have to partition your drive. If you are using virtual machine then go with the whole drive.

step 14. Continue through the installer and click finish. Backtrack will take 10-15 minutes to install.

Step 15. As it done , restart your system.Now it ask you for Login username and Password. default Root name is "root" and Password is "toor". 

Step 16. Type "startx" to enter the GUI mode. Click enter and you are done.


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